And the barber, hormones and scalp








 「随意神経系である体性神経系と対照して、不随意である「自律神経系」は循環、呼吸、消化、発汗・体温調節、内分泌機能、生殖機能、および代謝のような不随意な機能を制御する。 」(ウィキペディアより)
















Spot Theme

A Barber & children & head lice

Just because head lice have had, but do not necessarily dirty .

Even if you clean, it may be contagious .

But because it does not or splashing fly, infectivity is weak .

Head lice is like to mediate, there is no disease .

Only, it is itching due to eczema that head lice can cause .

So, to obtain the correct knowledge, if the treatment was with chitin, not a scary thing .

And infection with the barber and the head lice

Head lice There are several causes to be contagious .

Scary thing does not have anything if you care .

Keyword, cloth, shared, is contact .

- Same bedding and towels, the sharing of fabric products, such as hats .

- Sofa from soft furnishings, such as .

- Playing children to each other, in lying, head and when the head is stuck .

- To the pool and bath parasitic's head was submerged, when wearing a head .

And the barber and the head lice and ecological

- From egg to hatch, it is approximately 7 to 10 days .

- Molting repeated three times, it will be adults between 1-2 laps .

- Life is about one month .

- 3-10 lays the eggs in a day, is the 200 back and forth in a month .

- Away from the - the head of a person will die in 1-2 days .

- And size is, 0.5mm about in the egg, is 2~4mm enough in the adult .

- Eggs are stuck in a kind of cement .

- Adults are caught firmly in the six legs .

- Parasitic on the head, but clung to the hair is usually, blood-sucking put the needle came down crawl to 4-5 times the scalp in a day .

- And movement is about one day 20cm .

Barber and head lice and the symptoms

Since the parasitic and blood-sucking on the head, accompanied by itching .

Cause of itching is the same as the mosquito, it has been said to be components such as anesthesia at the time to refer to the needle .

However, there are individual differences in symptoms, because although the cause of the symptoms is due to the saliva of head lice, factors that itch comes out is, because it is an allergic reaction to this component .

So, when the head lice to familiar people has occurred, just because not itch, not think to yourself not absolute, please be sure to check .

And correspond to the barber and the head lice

If you find head lice, mutually confirmed firmly the head of the familiar all people, is the best way is to deal with all at once .

The workaround is three .

① Shampoo with dedicated Shampoo (pyrethroid phenothrin component containing) .

② By fainting in the olive oil shampoo .

③ Remove a dedicated hatchel .

However ①, ② no effect only in the young-adult.

Dedicated shampoo of ① is a little overpriced, but Dosage, Protect your period. Or diluted, with or use to fewer, that they do not observe the dosage regimen, period, there are reports that in recent years have emerged in which the component is difficult effectiveness head lice .

② olive oil as compared to ① of shampoo, but you can rest assured there is no stimulation, does not make sense that it is not quite used to the Jabujabu .

③ only are valid in the egg. We recommend that you do always .

Barber and head lice and the cloth treatment

When you have transmitted to head lice, clothing worn, action is required of the cloth product of towels, bedding, etc . were used .

- A full day alive, even in the water. If the hot water soak a minute .

- Multiplied by 10 minutes for 70 ℃ around in the dryer .

- Multiplied by 30 minutes if 55~60 ℃ in the dryer.

How about that? Do head lice would have available you can see that they are not so much scary thing?

And also that there is a way to prevent the methods and spread to extermination.

If See the pros and cons when it was so that some people would like to know more (⇒ Tokyo welfare Health Department Health and Safety Office Environmental Health Division).


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